
Pepsiman 2
Pepsiman 2

pepsiman 2 pepsiman 2

The story is Pepsi attacking other brands such Frito Lay, Kelloggs, Mondelez and more. Originally, there a sequel of the game called Pepsiman 3. The Playstation, Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 version has FMV cutscenes, the sixth generation consoles has cutscenes non FMV and the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advnace has no cutscenes. Somes requires abilities that is unlocked in later worlds. In the game has secret areas in each level and contains Pepsi cans and Jigsaws in which are used to unlock a secret world which is the space.

  • Super Pepsiman (Unlock upon complete world 11).
  • Run faster (Unlock upon complete world 7).
  • Jump in the air (Unlock upon complete world 6).
  • Shoot powerful (Unlock upon complete world 5).
  • Jump higher (Unlock upon complete world 2).
  • pepsiman 2

    The secret country is space and can only be unlocked by collecting all Jigsaws. 9 countries are real world countries while the final country is the Coca Cola Country. Once the boss are derroted, the player are proceeding to the next country. In the game has 11 countries in which each has 5 levels, the final room of each final level has a boss. Once Cokeman are destroyed, Pepsi now gives cans to all world. However, Coca Cola has now attacking in the world, Pepsiman fights Cokeman in the last part. After the events of the first game, Pepsiman are now to challenge by saving all the world and exploring countries such japan, brazil and france.

    Pepsiman 2